About Us

Our Mission

Auto Buying Consulting is committed to finding the absolute best deal for consumers looking to purchase a new or used vehicle, lease a vehicle, and/or trade in a vehicle, while taking the anxiety and frustration out of the process, so you can enjoy your new vehicle from the very beginning. Most people spend a lot of time in their vehicles, and it is often one of the largest expenses after rent or mortgage, so I believe that driving your vehicle should bring you pleasure, wherever you’re going.

My mission is to be your advocate and find the perfect vehicle for you and your family, and to negotiate the very best deal on your behalf so all you have to do is sign paperwork and drive off in your new car, knowing with certainty that you got the best deal possible on the perfect vehicle for you, without all the hassle of spending hours or days at a dealership. 

You deserve to love your car. I’ll help you get there. 


My name is Erin Hutton, owner and founder of Auto Buying Consulting. I am a Colorado Native who loves animals. In fact, I seem to collect rescue animals. It seems the universe has an animal distribution system in addition to the cat distribution system. If you know, you know. 

I also have an addiction to new car smell and an affinity for stimulating mechanical performance. For decades now, I have been the go-to person every time my friends and family want to get a new (or used) car.

Here’s my story.

My new car addiction started back in 2004, when I was a single mom working two jobs. I HAD to have a dependable vehicle. There simply wasn’t room in my life for surprise break-downs. I didn’t have the time or the money for repairs or being stranded on the side of the road with a small child. I figured that having a dependable car with a payment (a set amount every month) was better than no car payment but gambling with unexpected breakdowns and repair bills I knew I couldn’t afford.

So, I traded in the beat up old Crown Victoria I had been driving (it was a gas guzzler anyway), and I got myself a deal on a brand new base model Mitsubishi Lancer. It was nice but basic, and got me from point A to point B, and it smelled new (and wonderful). But once the new car smell wore off months later, I realized that it was a completely uninspiring drive. Working two jobs, I had almost no time to myself, so my only solace was my drive time.

In 2005 I discovered the Dodge Neon SRT-4. It was close(ish) to my budget, and it was FUN to drive. It was not something I NEEDED, but it was something I wanted in my soul. So I set a budget for myself and started negotiating. I asked for the impossible, and it took a solid week of negotiation, but I got what I wanted. I had no negative equity on the trade-in, even though I had it less than a year and I put no down payment on it when I bought it. I also had no money to put down on the SRT-4 aside from the trade.

I realized I had done a really good job negotiating the first vehicle, so I had some confidence this time around. It helped that I was strictly limited by my budget, so it was easy to walk away a bunch of times. I had to. But the dealer wanted to sell me the car, and after a week, they met my demands and I had my dream car. 

I drove that vehicle for 9 years, but when it was obvious that it was going to start needing various work and was outside of warranty, it was time to consider getting into a new vehicle again. By this time, I also had 5 teens of driving age in the house, and the vehicle negotiation frenzy began. For awhile it seemed like we were getting vehicles every other month (no fault of the vehicles, mind you). That was when I really began to build a network of contacts at dealerships all over Colorado, and I’ve been building on that ever since.

All my friends and family know that when it is time to get a car, they call me.

I always welcome new friends.  

Let's Get Started

Let's Get Started